Cellphone photos

The applications I used to create these photos:

-Photos of Chloe carving pumpkins were edited with pencil sketch.

-Photos of the Metallica concert were edited with art filter.

-Photos from Tracyton boat launch were edited with double exposure.


Window Portraits

These were shot at the Bremerton Ferry dock.  The first picture was where we first set up, the light was perfect but as we all know, shooting in public can be unpredictable and a really smelly homeless man sat right behind my girlfriend.  When she could no longer breathe we had to switch locations to the other end of the ferry terminal.  So you can see the difference in the lighting.



These are some pictures that I took of my daughter, my nephew, and my girlfriend.These are just the 1st my attempts to portraits. I’m looking forward to using the light screens we used in class on Wednesday. They seem to reflect and enhance light  in ways I can’t wait to try. But for now I hope you enjoy these photos !!!!!!



  • These are beach photos taken right down the street from my new crib.Workup on morning to some choice light and off I went.Took photos of everything that cot my eye .These were some of my faves and thought for the texture assignment they worked well together.